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Maybe Biden Surely Gives PRC Ultimatum?

The US’s traditional lose-lose “chop suey” foreign policy in Asia reared its ugly head again as Biden said he’d intervene militarily if China invades Taiwan yet promised PRC its claim of sovereignty over the island remains rock solid.

The WH scrambled to explain the President while on his tour of Asian countries wasn’t saying anything new, merely referring as always to helping Taiwan defend itself. But, as the WSJ noted and Marie Antoinette might have once said, “You can’t have your cake and eat it too.” Unfortunately for Mr. Biden and other presidents before him, he’s been stuck with navigating around The Taiwan Relations Act 1979, which vaguely “portrays any attempt to determine Taiwan’s political future through anything other than peaceful means as a threat to American interest.” Until now, however, “Washington has [assiduously] avoided saying whether it would intervene directly in the event of an invasion”.

But with Mr. Biden’s most recent remarks in Japan, so much for the US’s “longstanding policy of strategic ambiguity” over what China considers a “core” demand with Taiwan, the US or anyone else. China was incensed by the president’s “clarification” of our nation’s past “strategic ambiguity.” And, the danger is it will take it as an ULTIMATUM & even as a threat of actually going to war, when everyone had been satisfied enough in keeping things as clear as mud. Did it make Joe “look” tougher after his waffling in the Russian invasion of Ukraine or “dumber”? The proof of his newly baked cake, the WH denial notwithstanding, will be in the pudding.

Davd Soul


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