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Meat More Expensive Than Gold? Meet Fire With Fire

Cost of living is zooming, just check out the latest meat prices at the grocers; but, rather than be a socialist who accepts the price hikes & goes on a diet, act like a fat capitalist & shop around, pitting one retailer against another. Devious perhaps, more taxing for sure. But it esp. helps keep food prices in check.

When raising 4 kids under the age of 5, I worked on the habit of doing the weekly shopping at 3, yes, 3 different grocers, paying attention to each’s sales so closely I could successfully brag “I never paid full price for anything I put in the cart.” Thinking ahead as well, I’d sometimes buy a product on sale that wasn’t but would soon be needed. Patience in these inflationary times will also be a virtue. It’s ok to pass on an item that “might” be needed or “could” be used now; most staples go on sale sooner rather than later as grocers have no choice but to clear the shelves of high-priced goods that aren’t moving. (Ever wonder why that bottle of Coke or Pepsi that was a “buy 2, get 3 free” deal suddenly tastes flat? Jus’ sayin’.

I’ve never been a fan of buying cheaper “generic” products, unless the alt is really as good as the brand name version. And, I won’t be fooled by manufacturers who play obvious games with the box size (shame on you cereal people I won’t name … but YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE). Not saying such discipline is easy, yet wouldn’t you “rather keep the money in your pocket rather than put it in theirs”? Happy Hunting in the New Year!

Davd Soul


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