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Meat Of Our Global Warming Debate

Even MSM is starting to temper its climate gloom & doom messaging but not the UN. WSJ warns “Climate Doomsday Is Nigh Again” thanks to the globalists insisting “it’s your fault for eating meat & other sins …”

The paper’s editorial board’s exasperation was triggered by yet another UN missive essentially demanding MORE draconian climate measures from world leaders. It wailed: “Human beings, the wretches, continue to disappoint the savants at the United Nations and never more than on climate change. The global body announced last week that despite all of the world’s climate sacrifices & trillions of dollars in renewable spending, we’re all still doomed unless mankind makes radical changes in lifestyles & standards of living.”

The kicker, however: “Ponder … [the UN’s own statistical analysis that] even if Europe & the US banish fossil fuels from the electric grid, ban gas powered vehicles & find a way to capture CO2 from factories, the world still wouldn’t avoid the UN’s climate doomsday [forecast]. One reason is that China, which emits two-thirds more CO2 than Europe & the US combined, has only committed to peaking its emissions by 2030 …” Throw in India’s & the Third World’s increasing CO2 pollution, why don’t you? But, really, there’s GOOD NEWS in columnist Holman Jenkins’ separate “Good Climate-Change News” that argues a more positive take is “slowly percolating into the [MSM’s] journalistic mind" based on more recent and UPBEAT research. That is, says Holman, “a new consensus … has reduced expected warming to be ‘between 2 & 3 degrees’ Celsius, or less than half the forecast” made by the UN & other climate pessimists at the US National Climate Assessment.”

Davd Soul


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