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Medicaid Tyranny, Big Balls & Common Sense

Why were Dems holding “Save Medicaid” signs at Trump’s address to Congress when everyone knows Medicaid was established to help the needy, but Dems have expanded it to serve working-age, able bodied Americans?


The Sphinx is easier to understand than today’s progressive Left. Yet, the WSJ editorial board tried to get its head around “States that have turned the program into an entitlement” for free loaders: “As Republicans try to move their budget through Congress, Democrats & their loyal media allies have found what they think is the GOP’s Achilles’ heel – Medicaid ‘cuts’ … Yet the Medicaid program has exploded far beyond its design and is in great need of reform.”


As the editors noted, “Medicaid spending is out-pacing even Social Security and Medicare. Federal Medicaid outlays have increased 207% since 2008 and 51% since 2019. Medicaid spending as a share of federal outlays rose to 10% from 7% between 2007 and 2023, while the share of Social Security and Medicare remained stable.” The situation is unsustainable, of course. The Democrats & MSM allies claim Republicans want to “gut” Medicaid. Concluded the WSJ: “That’s false … they are not even proposing a cut,” even though CBO baseline projections say Medicaid outlays are “on track to increase by $2.4 trillion through 2035.” Not that the GOP is blameless for this fiscal fiasco. Say the editors: “Republicans should long ago have fixed this baseline tyranny that automatically builds in new spending each year, but they’ve lacked the nerve.” Well, with control of the WH & Congress, they have the chance to develop the needed “Big Balls” as well a Common Sense.


Davd Soul


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