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Memo To Dems: Abortion 1 Of MANY Crises

Kim Strassel notes in WSJ how Dems have “Nothing but Abortion to Run On” & it shows how they “blame their unpopularity on everything but their own failures.” Doesn’t it also reveal futility of “one issue” voting?

Says Ms. Strassel: “Democrats this week seized on the leaked Supreme Court draft opinion on abortion as a new political lifeline for the midterm elections, looking to channel outrage into electoral success. Put another way, they are going down the same road that landed them here in the first place.”

It won’t work, the columnist concludes, because the “liberal response” was more demagoguery at its worst because it was “substance-free,” strictly cynical manipulation of voters’ emotions. But, isn’t it also unlikely to work because a much more sophisticated & re-aWOKEN citizenry (i.e., minus the gullible) is tired of one-issue politicking? And, frankly, as important an issue as abortion aka life vs death is, there’s now also game-changing issues at hand, including spiraling inflation, runaway crime, unchecked terrorists, ongoing poverty, energy & environmental crises, unfathomable sex taught to Kindergarteners, an open border gone wild & the 24/7/365 threat of nuclear war.

Davd Soul


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