Mexican Gangs Make Pols Dance The Bean
You want some of this? “A Mayor’s Beheading Shows Who Runs This Mexican City: The Gangs.” Take it to the bank you’re more likely to get it with 4 more yrs of the Biden-Harris progressive immigration agenda.
So we can surmise from the WSJ article. Sure, Kamala Harris on the campaign trail keeps saying the nation’s immigration problem would have been fixed if Congress (and Trump) had ok’d the so-called bipartisan immigration bill the Dems (and a handful of GOPers) tried to ram through the legislature. Problemo was, however, that the Republicans (and Trump) saw it as a sneaky way of providing “amnesty” for the 11 million or more illegals that have crossed into the US since 2020 and have no discernible impact on the border crisis (although Reuters reported a number of Democrats also opposing the bill because it was considered “too tough” on migrants). Meanwhile, the elephant in the room that keeps dogging Harris like a rabid Chihuahua is the Administration’s dismantling of Trump’s border security efforts that had largely controlled the border & replaced it with … nothing; then, suddenly, Joe & Kamala began issuing several Trump-like executive orders to do the Trump thing, only folks kept noticing they coulda, shoulda done that and much more from day one.
But, I digress. As the article notes, “Six days after taking office [Chilpancingo] Mayor Alejandro Arcos loaded his pickup with bottles of water for hurricane victims, ditched his bodyguards & drove off alone into a gang-controlled area … in the capital Guerrero state, a few hours south of Mexico City. Hours later … police found Arcos’s severed head displayed on the roof of his car, his eyes carefully closed & hair perfectly combed. His decapitated body was left on the front seat.” True, Harris might insist blaming the “gangs” was fake news or Trump misinformation. But, the Mayor’s head & body didn’t get to where they landed because of Trump. Fortunately, there are very few big city Republican mayors in the USA, but mucho fawning Democratic ones. Otherwise, the GOPers, at least, would have to jump around like one of those dancing beans.
Davd Soul
