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Migrant Housing Chock Full Of NY Nuts

Henninger’s piece “Circular Firing Squad” describes how NY Dems blame one another for city’s homeless migrant crisis & reminds how THEY ALL caused the current mess by passing a “right to shelter” law to “soften” earlier insane asylum ban.

As nutty as those roasted candied cashews they sell along Central Park, huh? Exactly what is the connection between migrants & the mentally ill? The WSJ columnist explains it this way: “It’s common to say New York City is in trouble because it’s a ‘sanctuary city.’ But the city is in a special ring of migrant hell because it is the only city in the US that has a so-called right-to-shelter mandate, itself the result of another historic progressive fiasco. During the 1970s, New York was a leader in the movement to ‘deinstitutionalize’ psychiatric hospitals and facilities for the mentally ill. The theory, for better or worse, was that the mentally ill should be cared for & medicated by community outpatient facilities. That promise of community care was empty. Almost immediately, the mentally ill homeless proliferated on the streets of NY in the early 1980s. Naturally a lawsuit followed & naturally a NY court ruled that under the state constitution, the city was obliged to provide temporary housing to any homeless person who asked for it.”

As Mr. Henninger notes, “Across 40 years, the city has been unable to house the mentally ill. Now the migrants arriving in NY, supported by the city’s activists lawyers, have claimed this right to shelter & been granted temporary housing. An irony: The city is erecting migrant tent cities on the grounds of the long-abandoned Creedmoor Psychiatric Center in Queens.” Agreed, Dan. “Policy failure begets policy failure.”

Davd Soul


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