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Migrants Overrun Border Like Locusts

Number of migrants who have entered the US illegally since Biden took office will soon exceed TWO MILLION so is it reasonable to ask whether doing virtually nothing to immediately staunch the flow is an impeachable offense?

According to Fox News citing government stats, “the number of migrant encounters at the southern border has [not only] smashed through the 2 million mark this fiscal year” but it “breaches the already-historic 1.7 million encounters last year.” BTW, “those numbers by themselves do not state how many have been released into the US or account for hundreds of thousands of others who have slipped past Border Patrol.”

Through it all, the Biden Administration keeps insisting our southern border is “secure.” Irresponsible at best? Sanctionable at worst? President Biden. DHS Sec. Mayorkas. The entire sorry lot of peanut eaters in Congress. Is SOMEBODY in the DC Swamp going to take action on this OBVIOIUS humanitarian and national security crisis?

Davd Soul


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