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Mind This: Females Shun Mining Jobs In Timbuck2

In the MSM’s mania for absolute gender equality in the work place, may we ask a simple Q? “How many men do you see in the prostitution industry? Or, what is the ratio of pimps to prostitutes? NOT 50-50, we’d venture.

So, it is with some confusion anyone might have when reading the WSJ’s “Miners’ Efforts to Attract More Female Workers Fall Flat.” Supposedly, the mining industry has been proverbially busting its balls trying to recruit more females, yet most of its companies are stuck at around 10-20% of its work force having none. Reasons offered include lack of “scheduling flexibility” and “harassment.” But, you think women might just be too smart to get suckered into such a brutal business?

As for the “flexibility” issue aka “being sent for months to a remote” work site like Timbuck2, I recall starting off as a Geology major at UIC so’s I’d maybe one day be better prepared to be a moon astronaut. Then, some smartass at a cocktail party told me, “if that’s your plan buddy, you’d better get yourself a pick and burrow.” I went next day to the UIC Administration building & switched my major to Political Science so’s to study the Chicago Machine’s Rock Star at the time, Mayor Richard J. Daley. As for the “harassment” concern, is there ANY job where it’s not a concern, yet females take the plunge they dreamed of anyway?

Davd Soul


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