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Miracle Vast Majority Still Believe In God?

Fox says number of Americans who believe in God has dropped to “historic low” yet given the vocal anti-God crowd in MSM, Hollywood, science, academia & socialist circles, it may be a miracle 81% STILL HAVE FAITH.

See how easy it Is to “flip” the headline? Is it any wonder Gallup’s most recent” Values and Belief Poll” has “plummeted” mostly among “the young, the left and Democrats”? Meanwhile, “conservatives, Republicans and married adults have had essentially no change”?

According to Fox, when the question was first asked in 1944 and through the 1960s, about 98% consistently said they believed in God. As late as 2011, 92% of Americans said they believed in God. But, then, isn’t that when the War on God came out of the shadows and began in earnest, aided by an explosion of anti-God propaganda via the Internet & social media? Since then, haven’t our young and hopelessly disenchanted finger pointers relentlessly advanced humanistic beliefs over God and an increasingly blind faith in science, globalization and Marxist ideologies?

Davd Soul


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