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Mite Watch 4 Invisible Pests Progressively Invading DC

First, folks in the DC Swamp got bitten in 2020 by blood sucking tax & spend progressive politicians & in 2021 they are plagued by invisible flesh-eating mites. According to a Fox News report, the mites are feeding off cicada eggs left behind after the moms died & jumping onto taxpaying humans, then, biting those hosts in the hind end with just as much ferocity as the House majority led by Nancy Pelosi & Joe Biden.

“The microscopic Oak Leaf itch Mites’ bite leaves a raft of painful & itchy sores on their victims” so Foggy Bottom residents might want to avoid those Oak Trees in the National Mall, for instance. “We wake up at night just scratching,” one Arlington, Va. told The Washington Post. “It’s like we have splotches of white paint all over us now that we’re using the calamine [lotion]. The sores are red & swollen, so it’s not pretty.”

Almost sounds like everyone’s allergic reaction to the IRS bill that leaches onto us come every April 15 & won’t let go until we pay up. We’re told by “scientists” that the microscopic pests mite not be back next year because the cicadas won’t be emerging from their holes in 2022 either. Whew! That might be one less pestilence to obsess over. Yet, what do they call those radical pests running for Congress in next year’s mid-term elections?

Davd Soul


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