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Mo Schools Survey Kids For Fam’s Politics?

Missouri schools arguably have no business surveying kids on personal or family info without parents’ consent so a legal group’s urging a “probe” into privacy rights violations might also ask whether the educators need their heads examined …

The Southeastern Legal Foundation reportedly called for the investigation when they saw “some of the questions asked to students pertain to gender identity, racial identity and political affiliation.” According to Fox News, offended parents are also worried the mandated surveys cited “experts who describe them as what people would see in a doctor’s office or mental health facility.” Meanwhile, the state’s education department forbids its school districts from collecting & reporting on “political beliefs.” And, of course, there's state and U.S. Constitutional privacy rights to consider. Two surveys in particular, the E-Congress Political Ideology Survey” and the “I Side With …” political quiz ask questions about “an array of issues to determine the respondents’ political ideology & political party.”

Brother. The SLF says this is yet another example of parents being “tired of schools dividing students and replacing ‘traditional education’ with curricula focused on race, gender, sex and politics.” Here’s a suggestion: Give Freud’s “personality” test of 36 questions to these “testers” to see if they are in their right minds.

Davd Soul


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