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Moderate Exercise Can Extend Life 2-4 Years

Recall pic of 102-yr-old man completing a long-distance race? “What if Most Powerful Way to Live Longer Is Just Exercise?” WSJ: “People chase longevity with ice baths & supplements but benefits of exercise have yrs of science behind ‘em.

The main premise of Alex Janin’s article is compelling: “Longevity researchers have spent decades hunting for a magic pill to slow the aging process. But the best solution—at least for now --- may be the simplest one: Move more. [That’s because] no single thing – whether it’s cold plunges or off-label drugs & supplements like metformin, rapamycin or taurine – has a track record that can match exercise’s in terms of protecting against age-related diseases & helping people get more from their later years.” He cites “a vast body of research showing how exercise helps older adults maintain their independence, lessen fatigue & protect against falls; moreover, he notes how regular exercise can reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s, cancer, diabetes & cardiovascular disease.

“It’s really remarkable how many of these different hallmarks of aging exercise can target,” agreed Nathan LeBrasseur, director of the Kogod Center on Aging at the Mayo Clinic. As it happens, he co-wrote a 2021 study indicating a structured exercise program reduced cell senescence, a key marker on aging, in that senescent cells typically stop dividing as they age, thereby contributing to multiple age-related diseases. The federal guidelines urge at least 150 minutes of “moderate-intensity” exercise & research suggests even coming close to that level of activity can add an average of 2 to 4 years to one’s life expectancy. Not a bad ROI, huh?

Davd Soul


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