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Monkeypox Falls With Monkey Shines?

NY Times wants to know “What Happened to Monkey Pox?” Simple. Most people learned from Covid disinformation not to panic & stay focused on prioritizing relief efforts to the population most obviously & seriously at risk …

The good news, of course, is that Monkeypox is no longer making headlines as a major new disease outbreak & has otherwise largely “vanished” from the MSM coverage. That’s because since a peak in early August, “reported monkeypox cases in the US have fallen more than 85%.” The Times story suggests there are some future “lessons” to be learned from this “rise and fall” of a communicable disease. And, it’s true, “monkeypox in the US has been contained to a demographic, mostly gay & bisexual men with multiple partners. Meanwhile, “vaccines helped slow the virus’s spread (despite a rocky roll out); gay & bisexual men reduced [unwise] activities, such as [unprotected] sex with multiple partners; and Pride Month celebrations involving “casual sex” were thereby muted.

But, perhaps most on point is the Times story’s roundabout suggestion that “public health messaging” … a waffling, 3-year disaster during the Covid pandemic … was much more calm, focused, reasoned and based more on science rather than PANIC, which had led to governmental overreach in the form of draconian policies; and which, btw, did not stop a terrible death toll and arguably contributed to economic as well as more health issues than you can shake a stick at.

Davd Soul


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