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More Biden Sloppy Seconds On Gun Control?

Is there no better spokesmen for the NO gun control lobby than No. 46 who mumbles about keeping “cannons” out of peoples’ hands since the Revolution & says he favors ban on 9mm bullets as if a grenade is ok? Wonder why Congress does nothing?

Fact is, the more President Biden talks, the less Congress is likely to do anything by way of gun control reform since his oft-nonsensical views carelessly tossed out at reporters DIVIDES rather than UNITES. Over the Memorial weekend again & referencing the Uvalde school tragedy, Joe repeated his “Second Amendment is not an absolute right” but doesn’t talk about an Amendment that would clarify it once and for all. Why? Does he know he’s talking gibberish and stoking more dissent amongst folks? Not a word about the real underlying cause of such school shootings invariably carried out by a mentally ill youngster who had signaled his deranged plan to kill to anyone willing to listen.

As for Biden’s 9mm crack … whatever happened to the bogus “assault rifle” ban that has gone nowhere since ALL rifles fall in that broad category … someone needs to tell Mr. Biden nearly 40% or more of all gun owners (per ATF), many in his Democratic Party, own THAT kind of pistol. So, Joe is in favor of banning them too? Wonder why Second Amendment advocates are worried about Buttigieg’s “we’re coming after your guns” & don’t believe a word their president says?

Davd Soul


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