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More US Oil Reserves Land In China?

Gotta love Joe’s priorities as “Biden energy secretary torched after Fox News reveals secret talks with top CCP official” over a change in US energy policy to CHINA’s benefit … without a whiff of heads up to Congress.

As the story goes, Energy Sec Jennifer Granholm “spoke twice with a top Chinese gov’t official [just days] before the WH announced plans to tap” America’s emergency oil stocks AGAIN, that is, when 50 million barrels of oil would be released from the US Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Granholm did not respond to the report & it was left to a DOE spokesperson to tell Fox “Solving the climate crisis means engaging with competitors & allies in clear & substantive discussions – esp. among the nations emitting the most carbon pollution into the atmosphere.” The GOPers in Congress reacting to the report included House GOP Majority Ldr Steve Scalise who bluntly said: “The Biden administration secretly colluded with the Chinese Communist Party to help lower energy prices in China while hardworking American Taxpayers were left to pay more at the pump here at home.”

The accusations about the curious timing got worse. Opined NY Rep Nick Langworthy: The Biden Admin’s corrupt relationship with China should be alarming to every American. While claiming that she was meeting with China on climate change, Sec Granholm was really putting together a plan to drain & sell our SPR to our adversary.” Noted Fox: “Since taking office, Biden has ordered the DOE to release a total of about 260 million barrels of oil stored in the SPR to combat high fuel prices hitting American consumers” … apparently btw to also combat high fuel prices hitting Chinese consumers.”

Davd Soul


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