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MSM Crosses Poverty’s Mason-Dixon Line

It’s no lie “The Rich Men North of Richmond” can’t understand how poor life is for many blue-collar folk as the hit song by Oliver Anthony is getting roiled by legacy journalists. Can “those people” even get the words?

No they can’t, argues Dan Gainor in a recent Fox News op ed. He notes that the lives of many ordinary Americans have been especially oppressed by “globalism, regulation, taxes & Big Government.” Yet, he says, “The legacy press can’t even comprehend” what’s so obvious to the average working stiff. Gainor explains: Woke journalists have “crossed” a once sacred line in the sand & “abandoned ordinary workers & ordinary voters to promote leftist-approved victim groups. There was a time when journalism was a working-class profession. Reporters understood how hard life was for blue-collar men & women. They knew the sounds of broken hearts & empty stomachs. Now, reporters stare at those people like they are visiting a zoo, amazed they even exist. That’s been much of the reaction to the song. Either that, or outright hate.” To repeat a few lines of Anthony’s lament:

“I’ve been sellin’ my soul, workin’ all day.

Overtime hours for bullsh-t pay

So I can sit out here & waste my life away

Drag back home & drown my troubles away.

It’s a damn shame what the world’s gotten to

For people like me & people like you

Wish I could just wake up & it not be true

But, it is, oh, it is.”

Davd Soul


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