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Murder Epidemic Fought By Real Angels Of Our Nature?

Does a recent spate of both horrific murders & heroic sacrifices of angels trying to protect the victims remind us of life’s SHARED road of agony & ecstasy we all must endure to get to Heaven … as did a forever forgiving & sharing God Himself? Yet, who said, “Pray to God, but pass the ammunition”? A grieving dad does …

Think of the father’s 19-yr-old UCLA grad student-salesman senselessly stabbed to death while working alone in a “luxury” furniture store or the 40-yr-old accountant pushed onto Times Square’s subway track to die without ever even seeing her creepy attacker. But, then, there’s the 59-yr-old grandma who died protecting a co-worker during a Cracker Barrel robbery in Texas. Think, too, of the California dad shot dead after he tried to keep neighbors from lynching a man who seemed to be stealing a car … come to think of it, we are suddenly reading dozens of stories about Good Samaritans helping victims in the midst of a car-jacking epidemic …

This point was made by that UCLA kid’s father to Fox News: "I blame what's endemic in our society right now, that everybody seems to be oriented on giving back rights & bestowing favor on people that rob others of their rights." Maybe put another way, we might forgive the murderers among us as we did Judas at Jesus’ request, yet that doesn’t mean the Almighty wants us to volunteer our precious lives like lambs being to the Temple’s slaughter altar. Progressive criminal justice “reformers” appeal to the “Better Angels in Our Nature” & like to preach how we must be our “Brother’s Keeper;” but too often they gloss-over the proverbs’ clarion call includes us being Guardian Angels, i.e., by keeping one another safe (with or without police help) from the deranged, evil, dastardly Cretans who are too often wrongly kept out of jail (or, an asylum) because of wokism’s delusional if not illogical & immoral reasoning.

Davd Soul


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