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Musk’s $ To Trump Throws Dems Under Bus

While liberals express befuddlement at Elon Musk backing Trump with $45 million a month for his presidential campaign, is it so hard to see a meeting of the minds between the two on a REASONABLE timetable for EV trans & without mandates?


You’d think the lib MSM as well as the Democrats never heard Trump say on the campaign stump, let alone in his RNC convention acceptance speech, that he supports alternative energy initiatives & thinks they are an important part of his overriding policy goal of achieving “energy independence” in the short run and “energy domination” in the foreseeable future; he’s just not a slave to unrealistic if not naïve policies that will surely bankrupt the country. Still, they meltdown over the supposedly surprise announcement by Tesla chief Musk.


No surprise here as the Maverick Musk surely knows the propensity of the Democrats to try to push Big Government & therefore big, stifling regulations on businesses big & small, traditional & innovative. And, while the US subsidization of EV conversion via mandates has certainly helped Musk dominate the industry so far, he knows that as soon as he’s expendable the Dems, who love to pick winners & losers who cow tail to them, can throw him and his company under the bus.


Davd Soul


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