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Nation’s Report Card Gets An “F”

Nation’s “report card” shows kids’ “Math Scores Dropped in Every State During Pandemic”. What kind of grade do ya think the “sweeping declines” … fostered by sweeping panic & blind guides in leadership positions … deserve?

What’s done is done. But, if the pols, bureaucrats & Teachers Unions don’t want to learn from history, maybe voters can? The WSJ assessment of the educational debacle was pretty blunt: “The nation’s schools recorded the largest drop in math score EVER this year, with 4rth and 8th grade students in nearly every state showing significant declines … In the most sweeping analysis of test scores since the start of the pandemic, the 2022 National Assessment of Educational Progress, known as the Nation’s Report Card, also revealed a nationwide plunge in reading that wiped out three decades of gains.”

The nation’s widespread lockdowns and virtual learning band-aid approach certainly did not staunch the bleeding in educational performance, especially in inner cities. But, the really sad reality, says the WSJ, is that “Black and Hispanic students in fourth grade saw larger score drops in math than white students.” And no one saw this coming?

Davd Soul


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