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NEA’s Politically Challenged Students

This one-time card-carrying Teamsters & UAW member is disgusted at how politically weaponized the nation’s biggest teacher’s union has become, pushing woke ideologies on today’s youths as well as its members. Hello, Columbia U?


The latest evidence of something rotten in the USA’s education was seen in a Fox News piece by Aaron Withe titled, “Teachers flee nation’s largest union in a crisis of its own making.” The article focuses on how the National Education Assn. in 2023 funneled “a whopping $176 million in dues revenue directly to the pockets of political candidates & ideological causes” while spending only a “measly” $8 million on “representational activities.” It goes on to blame this politicking mania & lack of old school representation for a disturbing exodus of member cancellations under various “right to work” laws. But, perhaps the real news is buried in the statistic that the NEA gave at least $6 million to two political organizations to lobby as well as teach for “progressive power through voter engagement, issue advocacy & community organizing ‘with a focus on social justice & climate change.’”


Withe, the CEO of the Freedom Foundation, concludes that “the NEA has become little more than an ideologically divisive political advocacy group attempting to capitalize on the workplace concerns of educators.” His argument may be credible as far as it goes. But, perhaps the real concern is the impact this political activism by the NEA has had on its captive students. Could it be the intolerance, ignorance, disinformation & general chaos seen on many of today’s college campuses can also be traced to the NEA’s weaponization of education at the college prep levels?


Davd Soul


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