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Need Special Counsel To Instigate DOJ?

Having TWO presidents & TWO Special Counsels with a 3RD tossed in for Russian comic relief, we might forgive Strassel for suggesting latest (Ben) Hur moment, er, appt might make great movie but is bad for elections & DOJ.

The columnist cuts to the chase after Biden’s AG, Merrick Garland, named investigators for both Biden and Trump in the midst of election campaigns, whether “he learned anything from 2016” and might the DOJ be renamed “Garland’s Election Department”? Kimberley put it this way: “You’d think the Justice Department would have learned something from the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s disastrous decision to insert itself into the 2016 presidential campaign. Think again … A frazzled-looking Attorney General Merrick Garland [last week] appointed Robert Hur to investigate Joe Biden’s handling of classified documents at the end of the Obama Administration … Thus, the country finds itself in yet another extraordinary moment – with Justice Department special counsels investigating both the current president & his predecessor, who just happen to be top candidates for the next presidential election.”

As Ms. Strassels says, don’t look so shocked since tomfoolery at Justice has “become shockingly common.” She recalls the current AG’s appointments follow the Russia-collusion hoax that followed the FBI’s “elaborate 2015-16 investigation of Hillary Clinton and a separate elaborate 2016-17 investigation into” No. 45. Clear as mud? Strassel argues it would be easy-peasy to sort things out if DOJ would stop playing politics & left “solutions” to the voters. Sure, “no one’s above the law.” But, neither is you know what legal agency whose rep is getting dragged through the mud … by itself.

Davd Soul


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