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Netflix Tells Woke Like Chappelle Or Else

Netflix may be the 1st big company to tell its woke employees, e.g., bummed by Chappelle’s gig, to like the content producer’s shows or lump it by finding a job somewhere else. About time rest of Corporate America woke up got out of the PC game?

As the WSJ noted, the “streaming giant added a new ‘artistic expression’ section” to its corporate culture guidelines that basically says “If you don’t like our content, you can quit.” That means they may HAVE to work on shows they threatened to deep-six, that include jokes about woke hypocrisy, like Dave Chappelle’s controversial, yet popular Netflix offering. The company added it supports offering diversity in stories, “even if we find some titles counter to our own personal [or political] values.”

But, will that “telling it like it is” go beyond showing more porn or also translate into more shows that portray political conservatives, the religious faithful, white men over 21 or any Republican in an even-handed if not positive light like they do for you know who? And, will other companies follow suit, i.e., those who have recently succumbed to pressure from its activist employees [as well as outsiders] to help take public positions against those who aren’t, in their eyes, politically or socially pure, like Disney & Gillette?

Davd Soul


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