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Never Bidens Swamping Never Trumps?

CNN was shocked when its poll showed most voters said there’s “no chance they’ll support Biden.” WSJ pundit says it’s the “most underreported story in politics.” But, will “Never Joes” turn “Ever Trumps”?


Not much of a chance, there? Dunno. But columnist James Freeman analyzed the CNN poll thusly: “Large media organizations have been telling Americans for nearly a decade about “Never Trump” voters & surely there are a lot of them. But perhaps such voters are not quite as numerous as the ‘Never Biden’ folks, who have received comparatively little attention. Perhaps this is starting to change.” Noted the CNN story itself, “Among all voters, Biden remains at a bit of a disadvantage relative to Trump in terms of the share of voters who have ruled out voting for him: 52% say there’s no chance they would support him, while 47% say there’s no chance they would back Trump.”


Of course, No. 46 still has the power of the incumbency to move the needle before election day this way or that. Yet, as Mr. Freeman suggests, the biggest bugaboo for Mr. Biden & his PR team in that stunning CNN revelation is that, looking back, “most Americans” are saying “Trump’s term as president was a success, while a broad majority says Biden’s has so far been a failure.” Enter the FDR’s real world in which he once confessed a president’s power is much more limited in affecting world events than people think. So, can Joe force a Gaza peace? Stop Putin in gobbling up Ukraine? Make the cost of steak & oil return to Trumpian levels? Build a wall at the southern border after all? Reverse 3 years of progressive “free out of jail card” policies? Or, convince even the blind that a deteriorating 80-something man can lead the Free World against the forces of evil for four more years?


Davd Soul


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