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New Benefits 4 Social Security Folks A Bankrupt Idea?

The WSJ called “unnecessary” the Biden Plan to add dental, hearing & eye care to the panoply of existing but underfunded Social Security benefits because the elderly poor are already often covered for them via other government subsidies & local aid programs. Meanwhile, the editors remind that even staying "as is," the Social Security Fund is predicted to become insolvent by 2033 (and earlier if a whopping 6% COLA inflation adjustment goes into effect next year as expected).

Yet, Joe & his progressive allies in the MSM constantly talk up the “uninsured” problem elders have, proposing new benefits to Social Security beneficiaries under the guise of "helping" them, that is, instead of "selling" them on the trillions in new spending on other pet progressive projects too numerous to list. They're counting on the insurance companies to also stay silent on this latest voter pandering & potential boondoggle for themselves. Recall that many bought into Obamacare hook, line & sinker knowing it would inevitably be insolvent & create more health care delivery problems for EVERYONE.

Can anyone in the DC Swamp read a budget & think these things through for once? Or, have they read the hundreds of pages in Joe's "plan" & just think all voters are that greedy & naive & will turn a blind eye to what's going on?

Davd Soul


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