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New Iran Nuke Talks Depend On Diplomacy Or A Bribe?

We’re told Iran & World Powers are meeting soon in Vienna to “revive their nuclear deal” President Trump had tanked. The left-leaning MSM will universally laud the “peace” effort. But, many independents & conservatives will wonder out loud if another “bribe” is in the works along with the terrorist sponsor’s Obama-Era funding of you know who.

Now, it’s been clear that the European block loves trading with Iran. And, I love Wiener Schnitzel, but I, too, smell a rat through the smoke & mirrors the Euro-globalists saturate our environment with & as our home grown Swamp elites, now led by President Biden, keep drinking their Kool Aid ala the Peanuts Gang. Was the 78-year old Biden born yesterday or before the U.S. was bombed with a sneak attack at Pearl Harbor?

The WSJ reports “Western diplomats say it’s the first serious effort to rescue the [Obama] agreement since President Biden took office.” Rescue what? And, why in the world would Mr. Biden want to “return to the deal that U.S. exited in 2018”? As Mr. Trump had argued while imposing increasingly stiff sanctions, a new pact was the only way to go since the old (and almost expired) one didn’t stop Iran from developing nuclear-capable missiles or “ending Tehran’s support for militant groups”…and, Iran “responded by exceeding enrichment and research limits that [were] in the accord.” Supposedly, Iran had been balking at direct talks with the big, bad Americans and wanted an “initial gesture” to pave the way for renewed talks. Sound more like a demand for more funny money?

Davd Soul


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