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New SOU Taxes Have Fair Share of BS

Last word on SOU: “ Fair share” Joe said he wants still more taxes on the “rich” & suggested Trump’s $T tax cut for his business pals should be spiked. Deadbeats like Son of Joe? We don’t know. Don’t like it? Go blow?


While much of the liberal MSM hailed Joe “He’s Still Breathing” Biden’s divisive if feisty State of the Union Address, the WSJ pointed out a taxing “class warfare” caveat, even the elites at Wa Po & NYTimes might appreciate. In their “The Next Biden Tax Increase,” the editors noted No. 45 “wants to raise taxes even more in his second term than he has in the first,” especially on rich deadbeats. In doing so, we were told, it’s Joe’s “goal to cut the federal deficit $3 trillion more via a variety of minimum tax gimmickry on corporations (that pass along tax increases on consumers) & wealthy individuals making $400K. Never mind that the “minimum tax” was installed decades ago by Congress for the exact fair share purpose today’s Joe can’t remember, only to become an oppressive bane to many in America’s MIDDLE CLASS. Still, Biden said he wants to INCREASE it even more & without indexing the new tax gorilla for inflation so more ordinary taxpayers will again be entrapped by it over time. As the WSJ editors said: “You have to admire [Joe’s] audacity. He’s added $5.9 trillion to the national debt during his first three years, which doesn’t include most of the Inflation Reduction Act & 2021 infrastructure bill spending that will continue to roll out this year & beyond.”


The SOU hypocrisy if not foolishness didn’t end there because Dad of tax-adverse Hunter ignored CBO projections the national debt is on a course to grow by “$22 T over the next decade” & he “plans to increase”it even more with a bucket list of new voting “incentives”, like another expanded child tax credit. Joe apparently still can’t recall the policy maxim that tax cuts increase revenue through increased investment spending, while tax increases increase spending through piggish pols addicted to pork.


Davd Soul


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