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New Study A Pothole In Marijuana Safety?

A new study suggests “marijuana may hurt smokers more than cigarettes alone.” Take it from a recreational cigar smoker, putting any burning weed in your mouth is not going to make the gums let alone lungs happy campers.

The WSJ summary was scary enough. “Emphysema, other ailments more common among people who smoke marijuana … Nearly half of the marijuana smokers whose chest scans were reviewed had mucus plugging their airways.” The study was published recently in the journal “Radiology” that purportedly demonstrated “higher rates of conditions including emphysema and airway inflammation among people who smoked marijuana than among nonsmokers and people who smoked only tobacco.”

Of course, the woke marijuana advocates, the paper suggests, might be tempted to naysay the study as yet another alarmist diversion and themselves divert back to reciting the “proven medical benefits” of pot. Yet, Giselle Revah, a radiologist who helped conduct the study at the Ottawa Hospital Onatrio, warned that, “There is a public perception that marijuana is safe and people think that it's safer than cigarettes. This study raises concerns that might not be true.”

Davd Soul


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