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Newsom’s Climate 2b Down 2bs Prices?

Is California Gov Newsom’s super-heated climate platform ingenious or disingenuous as he’s “just getting started” by signing 40 new laws that won’t likely dent global temps while sticking taxpayers with escalating bill?

The WSJ couldn’t have been more damning than Dante in his “Inferno”: “California can barely keep the lights on as its climate policies bite the electric grid, but Gov. Gavin Newsom is undaunted. On Friday he signed no fewer than 40 – count ‘em 40 – new climate bills to amp up California’s green-energy shock experiment.”

Case in point, says the WSJ: “Even as gasoline prices nationwide have fallen to an average $3.68 a gallon, Californians are still paying $5.45 a gallon. California’s electric rates are already more than double those in neighboring states.” So what you ask? Well. “This is what happens when politicians try to eliminate fossil fuels with a Molotov cocktail of regulation, taxes and renewable mandates and subsidies.” Oh. Of course.

Davd Soul


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