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Nippon’s US Steel Falling Off A Cliff?

For national security’s sake, shouldn’t US pols forgive ally Japan for Pearl Harbor if Japan is willing to forgive the US for Hiroshima & Nagasaki? And, stop blocking Nippon Steel’s $14.1B acquisition of (& another $2.7B cash infusion into) US Steel?


It's not like Communist China is threatening our national security by trying to buy into another prized industry leader. And, as the WSJ editorial board argues, the “dumbest economic idea” calling for keeping US Steel “American owned” may sound reasonable to some … until it is recalled that the Cleveland Cliff alt-owners didn’t come close to matching Nippon’s bid to make a struggling US Steel more competitive, not to mention its additional promise to hold firm all existing American union collective bargaining contracts, whilst Cleveland-Cliff recently laid off 900 of its own workers.


So, what gives with the opposition to the Nippon-US Steel combo by the unlikely quartet of Biden, Harris, Trump & Vance, the WSJ wants to know? “Our rotten political times” and an election year, they mutter, translates into “dunce” policy decisions by so many of the Swamp’s creatures; more than ever, domestic politics and vote bribery is gobbling up logic & good business sense in what is supposed to be a global as well as free market capitalist country like ours.


Davd Soul


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