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No. 46’s Mid-East Diplomacy Fails 7 X 77

Never has a president been more obsessed with “diplomacy” to bring peace to the Middle East & triggered some of the worst warfare ever. As a columnist notes, No. 46’s “attempts to soothe … have produced opposite effect.”


As Walter Meade asked in “Biden’s Diplomatic Magical Thinking,” has “an administration’s diplomats ever had less success” and now concede Joe will NOT achieve peace in his time as president? Meade’s list of failure is long: “Mr. Biden tried & failed to get Iran back into a nuclear agreement … He tried & failed to get a new Israeli-Palestinian dialogue on track … He tried & failed to stop the civil war in Sudan … He tried & failed to get Saudi Arabia to open formal diplomatic relations with Israel … He tried to settle the war in Yemen through diplomacy, and then that failed and the Houthis began attacking shipping in the Red Sea, the ever-undaunted president sought a diplomatic solution to that problem too. He failed again.”


Now, some shrinks would say “we learn best from our mistakes.” Some priests would say “failure is God’s way of steeling us for better efforts in the future.” This writer says no shrink or priest could help Joe Biden & Kamala Harris unless they miraculously morph into Ronald “Peace Through Strength” Reagan.


Davd Soul


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