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No Baloney, Oprah. Snacks Are Junk

Recently seeing the “calories” on a grocery’s single apple pie slice was over 400 & an apple cinnamon muffin was over 500, I can believe study showing that “Snacks pack more calories than a single meal for many US adults.”


The Fox News story also quoted nutritionists advising the usual “Snacks should be planned just as meals are,” and to preach about making “more insightful choices.” But, this isn’t rocket science either. One bite of those so-called “breakfast bars” will tell you it’s not providing your body with all the needed protein, vitamins, fiber & minerals you’d get from a bowl of Post Grape Nuts avec blueberries et sans processed sugar.


Yet, what should be alarming to all of us from the PLOS Global Public Health findings is that “nearly a quarter of the calories US adults consume comes from snacks,”  i.e., an average of 400 to 500 calories every day.” They’re called “JUNK FOOD” for a reason. But, then, consider too how many folks also rely heavily on junk food’s ugly cousin aka fast food crapola that’s often even higher in calories & lower in nutrition. So, what would Oprah say besides, “I guzzle Ozempic to lose my fat”? Maybe: “I’ll try not to stuff myself with baloney in the first place”?


Davd Soul


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