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No Border Biden Walks Fine Line Tween Foolish, Stupid

President Biden may be slowing down, but he’s often been a clever enough political survivor, e.g., when he got more votes by bemoaning the border crisis during the campaign yet helped encourage more caravans from the deep south travel thousands of miles north. That is, until now, maybe. Now, he & his advisors pretend there’s no crisis at all as their Open Borders & “stand down” orders encourage you know what to go where.

But, the stats, science & eye-witness accounts, including from his own Administration, belie the foolishness behind this devious “see no evil” strategy behind the underhanded open borders “policy”. Foolish because it means thousands more innocents will be victimized by coyotes & human traffickers, as well as their enablers north & south of the border. But, foolish, too, because of the devastation unlimited immigration does to U.S. communities, especially during the pandemic.

Fox News reported, e.g., on an Arizona rancher warning “U.S. Border Patrol agents & communities are ‘overwhelmed’ by the [latest] surge of migrants who he said are ‘busting’ into their towns.” He said the surge started as soon as the election was over & Mr. Biden announced amnesty for 11 million illegals. Then, 17 executive orders handcuffing ICE followed in rapid succession. Within days, his head of DHS & immigration control at the border was reportedly “begging” for volunteers to help manage the swelling tide. So, maybe there really is a fine line between foolish & stupid?

Davd Soul


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