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No Joke As Vatican Eases Trans’ Yoke

Give Vatican an “A” for trying by approving transgenders to receive baptism & being godparents. But, then, it fudges with a cautionary warning not to cause “scandal” or “disorientation”. Didn’t Jesus say something about “My yoke is easy”?

Why not just advise that the Mother Church reaffirms its support for traditional marriage per the Bible & individual responsibility for all life tyle decisions? Recall Jesus telling the friendlies among the Pharisees over a lavish dinner He repeatedly criticized for hypocrisy: “You’ll probably now call me a glutton … who cohorts with sinners & tax collectors.” Well, Jesus DID cohort a lot with Apostle Matthew, a former tax collector. But, in so doing, we are told via the Gospel of Matthew that Jesus also added his own cautionary note:

“Come to me, all who labor & are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you & learn from me. For I am gentle & lowly in heart & you find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy & my burden is light.” Isn’t life tough enough without more cautionary notes than a Pharisee can shake a stick at?

Davd Soul


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