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No Labels Scaring Bejeezus Out Of Dems

Hypocrisy Alert: Dems are reportedly “Afraid of a Third Party” that’s forming called “No Labels” because it’s made up of free-thinking Indies, Dems & GOPers who won’t blindly vote for either Biden or Trump in rematch.

As the WSJ editors note, the Left is especially attacking the No Labels in the belief the centrist group will cost Joe the most votes, altho plenty of Never-Trumpers would welcome an alternative to you know who. In either event, it’s undeniable that “a [sizeable] majority of Americans [now] say they prefer nominees other than Joe Biden or Donald Trump in 2024.” Exactly how “centrist” and/or nonpartisan is No Labels? While one key donor is a friend of Justice Thomas, he’s “no fan of Mr. Trump;” meanwhile, its founder & CEO is Nancy Jacobson, “the wife of Mark Penn, the former Hillary & Bill Clinton pollster. It’s co-chairs include Ben Chavis, the civil-rights legend, & Joe Lieberman, former Democratic Senator & VP candidate. Former GOP Govs Larry Hogan & Pat McCrory are also co-chairs. None are admirers of Mr. Trump.” In short, this group is hardly likely to allegedly “rig” another election, this time, in FAVOR of Trump.

For a variety of demographic & electoral rules reasons, the editors argue, No Labels is unlikely to spoil either Biden’s or Trump’s candidacy let alone win the White House outright should it hold its planned convention & nominate a ticket of it’s own. But, they conclude: “If nothing else, the presence of No Labels may serve to wake up both parties that they can do better, and should do better, or face a [serious] third-party challenge … Voters certainly deserve better than a 2020 rerun.”

Davd Soul


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