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No Pride In Companies’ Double Standards?

One of the hardest human foibles to swallow is hypocrisy. So companies like BMW, Pfizer, Cisco & Mercedes all show off pride-themed logos to celebrate pride month BUT their Mid-East accounts don’t. Cum again?

The Fox Business coverage focused on Twitter commentaries mocking the apparent double standard applied by woke companies shooting political as well as social agendas from 3-point range. Jokingly, for instance, Eli David asked why those corporations’ Twitter accounts in the East do not display a pride flag as those in the West do: “Breaking: Big corporations are running out of ink in their Middle East pages,” David wrote. “What could possibly be the reason?”

Not that this two-faced marketing & investing is anything new. The NBA, for instance, still hasn’t explained how it can justify huge investments in Communist China while remaining silent about alleged slave labor in certain industries there, but go ballistic at times in their much-ballyhooed “social justice” campaigns in the US. Never mind. Isn’t hypocrisy impossible to justify?

Davd Soul


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