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Noonan Pegs Commuter Model, UK’s Flu Passport Next?

Peggy Noonan may be right to predict “The Old New York Won’t Come Back.” According to the WSJ Columnist, the COVID “pandemic changed everything,’ we say, but we have yet to absorb fully everything that means”. For the Big Apple, she feels “we are witnessing the collapse of the commuter model.” Ah. Thanks to remote capabilities, New Yorkers no longer commute into, let alone live, anywhere near Wall Street’s epicenter to be a big shot. Hence, gads of offices & apartments in tony Midtown stay empty & the exodus to suburbia (or other states) reaches epic proportions.

But, another thought is whether the Woke’s “Reinvented Green, Lean & Mean Big City Model” being foisted on NY & other metropolises is also to be questioned because, well, it’s naively going to create a bunch of death traps? Isn’t herding folks into tightly scrunched hi-rises the perfect recipe for a mega-spreader of COVID-19 & other air borne or tactile diseases? How many New Yorkers got COVID & died after riding in a Manhattan elevator or commuter train?

The Brits either know how bad this & future pandemics will be or, like a Democratic House member, they’ve lost their sense of perspective. Consider another WSJ article telling us the UK pols & bureaucrats are thinking about requiring vaccine “passports” for anyone entering a bar, going grocery shopping or grabbing a commuter ride. When that happens here in the DC Swamp, I’m moving to New York.

Davd Soul


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