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North Dakota Folks Standing In Biden’s Pipeline ‘Crap’?

One of the early Green New Deal moves Pres Biden made that will likely come back to haunt his party in the Nov mid-term elections is his torpedoing the Keystone XL Pipeline. To small-town America, it spelled “Biden does not care about us.” At least, a bunch of folks told Fox News as much.

“President Biden has been ‘absolutely worthless’ and ‘has done nothing for us,’ residents of a small South Dakota town” told Fox as their community continues to deal with the fallout from the pipeline’s cancellation.” You’ll recall, Mr. Biden revoked the Keystone XL Pipeline’s building permit his first day in office over concerns about “its potential impact on the climate” and surrounding environment. “Biden and his administration ran on Build Back Better, and, that is, from where I’m standing, a load of crap,” West Central Electric Coop CEO Jeff Birkeland opined. “I think his new slogan should be ‘butchering booming business…He’s literally pulled the rug out from under us and killed our economy.’”

Not sure Mr. Biden’s “bold” move saved the world’s environment either, although soaring gasoline and home heating prices are being encouraged by his War on Energy to hit record levels. Said Duane Adair, manager of a ND motel: “There’s no common sense in making that decision to shut down pipelines – and then turn around and we have a problem with not having enough oil.”

Davd Soul


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