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Now Biden Ties God To Record Pump Prices?

Biden may not have monkeypox yet he seemed delirious in telling Asians our record high gas prices are blessed by God & paving the road to our society’s “incredible transition” to environmental hell. JFK rolling in grave yet?

Fox News reports how we are now well into our second week of DAILY record pump prices until its reached $4.56 on average “and is much higher is some states,” like that incredible transitory State of California. Aren’t Californians LOVING THE PAIN whilst smelling those sweet if unnecessarily expensive gas fumes? Must be. Because there was Joe telling Japan’s PM Fumio Kishida on Monday it was so. Fumio, btw, looked like he had just eaten bad sushi.

Not to worry. Biden invoked God in the press conference: “Here’s the situation,” he beamed before explaining the situation: “And when it comes to the gas prices, we’re going through an incredible transition that is taking place that, God willing, when it’s over, we’ll be stronger and the world will be stronger and less reliant on fossil fuels when this is over.” Well, he got it right about being “incredible.” That is, the Russian, Chinese, Indians, Saudis & other OPEC nations can’t believe their luck in a POTUS driving up their prices and profits with such foolishness.

Davd Soul


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