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Now Russkies Control Our Uranium Supply More n Oil?

Our policy makers might hurt themselves if they think too hard as China & Russia leverage their near monopolies on assorted critical energy, rare minerals & meds. Now WSJ tells us “US Rethinks Uranium Supply for Nuclear Plants After Russia’s Invasion” of Ukraine.

Talk about being asleep at the switch? The bad news: “Much of the enriched uranium used to fuel [nuclear power] plants globally is controlled by Russia.” The other bad news: The belated epiphany has triggered “calls to increase domestic output.” Where have we heard that one before as progressives, most recently as Joe Biden won the WH, have demanded an all-out war on fossil fuels, nuclear fuel, and anything but “renewables.” How about converting to alt energy sources gradually, as the science, resources, and common sense suggest? Never!

Ironically, “Russia’s invasion of Ukraine” and seizing of Europe’s largest nuclear power plant after a bombardment that almost triggered an environmentally catastrophic meltdown, is somehow “prompting some in the US to propose reviving domestic production.” But, wait. Wasn’t nuclear power on the progressive “S” list? Here we go again. As in the case of banning Russian oil, “uranium prices have jumped more than 30% since the start of the war as a price hike hits commodities broadly and utilities try to lock down supplies on fears that [more] sanctions could pinch some part of the specialized fuel cycle.” It seems a US-Russo trade deal calls for the US to buy up to 20% of its domestic reactor needs … and it has been doing so. Meanwhile, no other country can quickly fill Russia’s role “in a complex supply chain that could take years to rejigger.” Tell us again, why can’t the sun will take care of the problem?

Davd Soul


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