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NPR’s Biased “Elevator News” Is No Pavarotti

As CNN makes series of moves abandoning its “extreme partisanship” to counter plunging ratings, I wondered if NPR might do the same by canning its one-sided hourly “elevator news” show informing no one of anything.

I swear as I recently listened to my favorite WETA’s classical music while driving, I thought I was in Hawaii listening to Tokyo Rose during WWII. I couldn’t help but cringe when the almost comatose “host” said after playing an inspiring complex Mozart piece that the parent’s annoying excuse for news reporting was “next”. Oh, boy! From past episodes, I knew I would learn NOTHING I hadn’t already read by glancing at online sources that morning. This time & predictably, the news would sound like Joe Biden was the Wizard of Oz yet I would come away not quite knowing why. I assumed I was just expected to take the news reader’s condescending voice as coming from on high. Hello, does House Speaker Nancy Pelosi have a minority leader who might disagree with her latest great thought? You’d never know from this “news” program that is THAT one-sided and lacking of details, even from that one side.

Now, I wonder: Why does NPR even bother? Why ruin its great art offerings by forcing listeners to listen to such dribble, such crappy news reporting? The favored partisans undoubtedly like it, of course, even if they also can’t say why. But, do they know they’re listening to an echo chamber that sounds more like Peter, Paul & Mary than Pavarotti?

Davd Soul


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