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NY Guard Descends Into Subway From Hell

Tho NY Gov woke up & is sending armed troops into her Subway war zone, what d’ya think’s gonna happen if her legal colleagues keep releasing violent defendants with no bail or little or no jail time, even when convicted, & the punks start shooting?


As the WSJ’s editorial board opined: “Gov. Hochul would do better by firing New York’s progressive DAs & restoring the successful anticrime policies (e.g., “Broken Windows,” “stop & frisk”) of the 1990s & 2000s.” As the editors waxed, if Trump sent in the military to prevent crime or control “peaceful” riots in USA’s streets, “Wouldn’t half of America lose its collective mind about the supposed threat to democracy?” Yet, they conclude, “that’s essentially what NY Gov did last week in sending the state’s National Guard to patrol NYC’s subways”. What a sight for a Scorsese film Hochul’s 750 troops & 250 state police officers would make in a Taxi Drive II.


That, of course, isn’t to say sending troops into NY’s subway from hell isn’t welcome news ... as a temporary bandaid to wounds being inflicted there every day. And, as the WSJ notes, it’s noteworthy that the governor also wants more security cameras underground & is “calling for judge to have more authority to ban” violent people from the subway as well as to “expand bag searches on the subways.” Yet, how ironic these Guilianian ideas were trashed, then, terminated in recent years by progressive pols, prosecutors & jurists, urged on by many MSM allies. The editors call it a “surrender” to reality, but add that “the Guard underground … can’t be forever.” The real solution before more deadly fireworks begins? “Fire progressive district attorneys & revive the anti-crime policies” that were proven to have worked.


Davd Soul


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