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NYTs Trumps Biden Better Than Angry Voters

New NYTimes poll explains why the progressive rag has been turning on Joe Biden as voter feedback is “looking like it were 2016”. Cause woke voters are waking up to reality they elected a schmo who’d run US into ground?

Somehow, the newspaper still finds rainbows for the DNC at the far side of the tar pit Mr. Biden’s policy debacle has dug for it. For one thing, the Times’s headline supposedly is about poll’s revealing the state of affairs as the mid-term election nears, but basically ignores the impact it suggests today’s voter sentiment may have three months hence in November. And, in order to avoid losing control of Congress, exactly how is Joe going to disguise let alone solve the unbelievable number of crises & policy missteps that are getting worse (not better) by the day. The Times doesn’t say, whether it's a result of that overseas war to an overrun open border to runaway inflation & gas prices to record violent crime. The Times article does obliquely concede “the left [aka Joe] has a set of priorities that is just different from the rest of the countries.” So, then, is November a looming defeat for the Dems or isn’t it?

Perhaps most delusion is the Times’ shifting to the poll showing Biden & Trump are equally “unpopular” with a majority of voters & how “one of the main messages is that Americans again seem to be as dissatisfied with the leading candidates as they were in 2016.” Hello again. Trump is not on the ballot In November (although the Dems are trying mightily to make it look like he is) AND in 2016 isn’t there again a vehement backlash brewing against an entire Party with control of the WH & Congress seemingly bent on ruling from the Left when they had pretended to be “moderates”?

Davd Soul


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