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Obama & Nordstrom Breach Catastrophe

Build new xpressway to stop traffic jam & you get more traffic. Obama led Germany into Putin’s energy trap via Nordstrom gas pipelines? Now Tucker opines terrorists blew ‘em up 2 unleash catastrophic methane leak.

How bad is that Nordstrom leak we’re hearing about? The breached pipelines that carry natural gas from Russia to Western Europe (as Barack had advised) “are pouring millions of cubic meters of natural gas into the Baltic Sea … Pictures from the air show a toxic bubble field more than half a mile wide.” As Tucker notes, “You can only guess at how many marine mammals are being killed right now – countless. But the lasting damage may be to the atmosphere” since 90% of natural gas is made up of methane.” And, “as Joe Biden has often told you, [methane] is the key driver of global warming, which is, of course, an existential threat to humanity & planet.”

But, let’s not be too hard on Mr. Biden since he does not seem to know what he’s doing on much … Afghan withdrawal, war in Ukraine, inflation, recession, crime; hell, he gets Covid twice … Let’s instead focus on WSJ columnist Holman Jenkins’ “Obama Led Germany Into Putin’s Energy Trap”. Mr. Holman doesn’t mince words in opining that “America’s exciting new president inspired the world to junk carbon taxes in favor of green pork,” one key element having been the development, then, reliance upon the two Nordstrom Pipelines while other green initiatives were pursued without thinking of the potential down-sides aka Mr. Putin. So, could this be another case of getting more green to end global warming, only to make it hotter than ever?

Davd Soul


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