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Obama’s Come Home to Jesus Moment

Perhaps one of the most ironic outcomes of the Biden decline & Harris debacle is Obama’s “Great Reckoning” as No. 44’s sun fades as fast as Joe’s. Wasn’t it Obama who ignored his instinct that his VP wasn’t up to the task from the get-go?


As opined by Democratic strategist Julian Epstein in a Fox News interview, Barack Obama & fellow liberal leaders “failed the test of leadership amid the 2024 election … Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, Jeffries and others – all participated in the obvious lie that Biden was capable of a second term, in the anti-Democratic move to install a wholly untested Vice President Harris.” What’s more, they failed by “lacking the courage for the past four years. To stand up to a progressive left whose policies are far out of touch with most voters.” Then, adding fuel to the fire unwittingly set, this month, Obama “delivered a speech at the 2024 Obama Democracy Forum, which earned him a headline on MSNBC reading, “Obama still doesn’t get why Trump won. That’s the problem ... he was a constitutional law professor before he was a politician, and he still sounds like one.”


I’d beg to elaborate upon that take slightly. Obama, it can be argued, still THINKS like a self-righteous, morally superior academic who knows best about everything. Yet, Obama was too foolish to have picked Joe Biden as his running mate way back when, despite the man’s reputation for influence peddling with a drug addled son, as well as having been a politician on the wrong side of history on every major issue, only to queerly switch sides as if he’d seen a vision and come home to Jesus. “Like father, like son” cuts in more directions than one.


Davd Soul


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