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Of Lions & Gnats. Pelosi & Williams Show True Colors In Coronavirus Crisis

The lion’s share of Americans are proving to be lions during the Chinese Coronavirus Crisis. Meanwhile, a few pesky gnats are proving to be gnats. I give you, for example, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Fox News’ Juan Williams.

The politician could not help trashing President Trump on Monday by suggesting he “cost thousands of lives” in supposedly hesitating to act against the virus and that an investigation “as to what he knew and when” was in order. Sound familiar? Shades of Ms. Pelosi’s failed 3-year Russia Collusion Hoax and Impeachment fiasco? A weak attempt to divert attention from her own bitter criticism of Mr. Trump’s early shutdown of travel with China which, btw, SAVED, tens of thousands of lives? Meanwhile, the Fox pundit yet again embarrassed himself on “The Five” by parroting the left leaning MSM’s talking points that call into question the president’s supposed “lack of leadership” during the crisis, which btw, 60% of America says has been great. Will anyone forget … or forgive … Williams’ inability to put his political bias aside for a single second and rally behind the nation’s Commander in Chief while continuing to push his 3 years crusade to second guess every single Trump initiative? Fox colleagues called him out for his never-ending “Monday Morning Quarterbacking”, but they might as well save their breath. The man’s clueless.

It’s true that, more than ever, Mr. Trump needs not only appreciative support for his team’s yeoman efforts, but constructive criticism where warranted, too. In fact, as the president has acknowledged, he and the Coronavirus Task Force have gotten numerous good ideas on combatting the virus that way. But, playing political games during a national crisis is un-American. Something a gnat, not a Lion would do.

Davd Soul


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