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Old Masked CDC “Brains” On Monkeypox?

Fox says “CDC raises Monkeypox alert, recommends masks during travel,” even tho it suggests sex between men still most likely cause. So, as long as I wear a mask AND avoid a man’s penis or tongue on United flight I’m ok? Clarification, please?

To be fair, the CDC’s “raised” alert appears to have also been triggered by some cases among people “who live in the same household as an infected person”. Yet, doesn’t that sound like some pretty “intimate” contact is needed to transmit this new disease? So, why the "mask" warning for travelers? Note, too, as of June 3, the CDC concedes there have only been 21 recorded monkeypox cases in the U.S. Leave it to Biden mouthpiece NBC to use John Hopkins’ Dr. Amesh Adalja to explain: “What’s likely happened is an endemic infectious disease from Africa found its way into a social & sexual network & then was greatly aided by major amplification events like raves in Belgium ...” Got it. Dr. Fauci couldn’t have said it more clearly!

Speaking of Dr. Fauci, it happens I was re-reading Gore Vidal’s “Lincoln” and how General Halleck, commander of the Union Armies leading up to the Battle of Gettysburg was so waffling a presidential advisor that Abe started openly calling him “Old Brains” because he seemed to sit on them more often than use them, at least, in any helpful way. Sounds like we have a bunch of “Old Brains” if not “Old Faucis” still wearing masks who are counselling the WH on its new health crisis?

Davd Soul


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