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Olympic BS Aired, Dutch Pushed Ala Bogus Covid Claims

Olympian BS Report: Chinese “security ... yanked, dragged or shoved" a Dutch reporter out of picture during live broadcast & NY Times published propaganda lauding PRC’s marvelous Covid death rate … while WSJ’s Jenkins reminded “China’s Forever War Against Covid” is mostly a cover up of failure.

There’s no surprise in the suck up NY Times piece since the WSJ long ago exposed how PRC and/or its affiliates throw mucho money at the newspaper by disguising paid advertisements as “breaking news stories.” And, Chinese as well as Western journalists have long warned of the thuggery used against them by the Communists. Hell, even Nancy Pelosi warned about “physical harm” to American athletes if they dare to criticize the host country. But, Mr. Jenkin’s debunking of the Chinese “Covid Success” story in “controlling” the virus any better than anyone else is down-right devastating.

For instance, the columnist writes: “China has nothing like the critical-care facilities of Western cities … And yet, one irony of the leadership’s decision to treat zero Covid as a [fake] national triumph has been a slowness to expand hospital capacity. [Moreover] its go-it-alone approach on vaccine development, another supposed triumph, has saddled China with inferior vaccines against Omicron & Delta. It continues strangely to emphasize Chinese traditional medicine, which Xi Jinping calls a ‘national treasure,’ as a treatment for Covid … [and] … the Beijing city government even pushed rules to make it a crime to ‘slander’” it.

Davd Soul


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