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Only Audit Can Explain Biden Call 4 More Covid Cash

Fox’s Liz Peek notes “Biden team says $5T in Covid relief isn’t enough,” even though it’s more than spent on WWII & New Deal, then asks, “So, where did it all go?” Into the pockets of the progressive porkers who fed their constituencies as if there were no tomorrow?

“Are they kidding?” Peek demanded. “The Washington Post reports that the Joe Biden White House will soon ask Congress for even MORE money to battle the Covid-19 pandemic,” that is, beyond the $5.4 trillion already allocated by Congress via six separate pieces of legislation over the past 24 months, an unprecedented and dangerous sum that is spurring inflation and keeping people from going back to work.” Somehow, Mr. Biden’s team, says it’s still not enough to provide for Covid testing and remedies going forward.

Peek concluded: “This has to be the most inept and irresponsible White House in history. Not only are they spending us into a deep, dark hole, but they have failed to make intelligent use of the gargantuan amount of funds set aside to address the pandemic, our country’s most critical problem.” Well, Liz, you know what they say about “letting the wolf into the chicken coup.” Is it possible this pathetic mismanagement you describe is one result of voting for Joe, Bernie & Pochahontas, thereby giving radical progressives a free-reign on their tax donations? Did much of the missing money go to feed their porker constituencies? Stay tuned for the inevitable audits to come …

Davd Soul


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