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OPEC Jilted Joe Turns To Olio Maduro

As gas prices are again climbing you’d think Joe would throw in his “green at all costs” policy & call a truce to his War On US Fossil Fuel production; instead he looks to Venezuela’s Maduro to pump the oil OPEC is hoarding …

As the WSJ notes, “After weeks of price declines, drivers are paying more at the pump as refinery outages – planned and unplanned – combine with global trends to pinch consumers.” Seeing a chance to make things worse for Joe who hasn’t missed a chance to insult it, OPEC is planning to cut 2 million barrels of the black gold per day to further boost pump prices. What’s Joe to do? As the WSJ editors recently noted in an op ed, “Biden has tried every gimmick to lower gas prices other than the one that would really matter: Call off its political and regulatory campaign against American oil and gas production.” But, what is Team Joe doing instead? The Journal says Team Joe Blow is again threatening the OPEC cartel with an “antitrust” lawsuit AND is negotiating with Maduro to “ease sanctions” on that Marxist regime so Chevron could start pumping the oil for him that OPEC is withholding from world markets.

We’re told the Team Biden’s proposed deal with Maduro would require Caracas to “open talks with political opponents” whom he’s stiffed for years now “with the aim of free elections in 2024.” Well, no doubt Maduro, like the nuke-obsessed Iranians, will “talk” to whomever Joe wants so long as Joe gives them sufficient cash incentive to do so. But, will Maduro’s “aim” be Joe’s free elections finally or finally Joe’s last but worst diplomatic embarrassment on the world stage?

Davd Soul


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